

Some alumni and friends have 少数人持有的股票/securities they would like to give to UNH. These include debt and equity positions in non-publicly traded companies as well as interests in limited partnerships and limited liability companies. 如果你持有一家少数人持股公司的股票, you may be able to use that stock as a powerful way to make a gift to UNH and support our future.* 

请注意: Acceptance of closely held securities must comply with UNH's Gift Acceptance Policies and is dependent on a review from UNH Foundation's Gift Acceptance Committee with the following factors to be considered:

  • Any restrictions on the security that would prevent its conversion to cash
  • 证券的市场性
  • Potential for other undesirable consequences for the UNH Foundation

少数人持有的股票需要特殊处理, so you should always consult with your legal or tax advisor first.

Review this checklist to see if you may benefit from donating 少数人持有的股票. Then, consult your professional legal and tax advisors to see how to maximize the benefits of this tax-efficient strategy for making a difference.

  • 你是一家少数人持股公司的大股东.
  • You would like to remove retained earnings from the corporation, without having them taxed again.
  • You would like to maintain a controlling position in the corporation’s outstanding stock.
  • You would like to avoid capital gains taxes on the shares you donate to UNH.
  • You would like to receive a federal income tax deduction for the full appraised value of the gift.
  • 你愿意支持我们的任务.

Closely held stock is most often used to support UNH in the form of:

  • 直接的礼物. You can make a gift of 少数人持有的股票 as long as the business permits additional owners and it is debt-free. The donation of 少数人持有的股票 first requires you to value the interest in the business entity.
  • 遗嘱或生前信托中的礼物. If you are not ready to make a gift of these assets during your lifetime, consider making a gift of all or a portion of your 少数人持有的股票 through a gift in your will or living trust.
  • 慈善领导信托在某些情况下, you can create a charitable lead trust that allows you to pass your 少数人持有的股票 to your heirs after supporting UNH. The trust makes regular payments to UNH for a period measured by a fixed term of years or the lives of one or more individuals. After the term ends, the remaining assets, including any appreciation, pass to your heirs. A properly designed lead trust will produce an estate or gift tax deduction for the value of that portion of the trust designated for UNH.
  • 慈善礼物年金Funding a charitable gift annuity with 少数人持有的股票 not only provides you with fixed payments for life and allows you to support UNH, 但它可以提供许多经济上的好处. 你可能会得到联邦所得税减免, 如果你使用升值的股票, you can eliminate capital gains tax on a portion of the gift and spread the rest of the gain over your life expectancy. It is possible to contribute stock in either a C or S corporation in exchange for a charitable gift annuity. The contributed shares must be valued by a qualified independent appraiser. The appraisal is required in order to substantiate your federal income tax deduction.
  • 慈善信托基金You may be able to use all or a portion of your 少数人持有的股票 to fund a charitable remainder trust. 如果你知道, you receive a federal income tax deduction on the appraised value of your gift and you pay no capital gains taxes at the time of the gift. The trust pays you or other named individuals payments every year for life or a term of years. When the trust term ends, the remaining principal goes to UNH as a lump sum. Although a charitable remainder trust with a flip triggering event works well with most business interests, 这种类型的信托不能是S公司股票的所有者.

请使用以下法律信息 并与您信任的顾问分享.

地址:9 Edgewood Road, 达勒姆NH 03824


  1.  联系UNH的礼品策划办公室 这样我们就能帮你指引你的礼物 少数人持有的股票 这对你来说是最重要的.
  2. 与你的个人顾问讨论捐赠的选择 确保你选择的礼品车是适合你的.
  3.  For detailed information on making a gift of 少数人持有的股票, please visit our 给股票 页面或 联络我们的办事处.
  4.  请让我们知道 如果你在你的遗产计划中给了UNH这份礼物, 我们很高兴能在我们的 汤普森的社会, a special community of forward-thinking UNH alumni and friends who have created their legacy here. It is important to complete simple documentation with UNH to ensure we honor your wishes down the line.

Please feel free to share the sample bequest language below with your attorney:

样的语言 “我给澳门葡京网赌游戏基金会公司捐款., 埃奇伍德路9号, 达勒姆NH 03824, 新罕布什尔州的一家非营利性公司, 或者它的继承者, 联邦税号02‐0437506, [在此处插入对特定属性的描述]."


Please contact the UNH Office of 礼物规划 with your questions.

电子邮件: gift.planning@istamps.net




庆祝150周年活动期间(2012-2018), 超过200个家庭计划向联合国儿童基金会捐款, 10美元起,000到数百万美元, which have already started to have an impact on future generations. But the story of legacy goes back to the origins of UNH when Benjamin Thompson left his farm and other assets to establish what would ultimately become the Durham campus of the 澳门葡京网赌游戏.

The Thompson legacy has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives, and yours can, too.

作为遗产捐赠人, 你就会成为汤普森协会的一员, a distinguished group of supporters who have documented planned gifts to UNH. The UNH Office of 礼物规划 will work with you to explore options that best meet your philanthropic goals and timeline--whether you wish to make an immediate impact, 用你的礼物创造收入, 或者根据你的意愿送礼物. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this prestigious membership of generous donors providing support to generations of Wildcats to come, 我们很荣幸能和你们一起 创造你的联合国大学遗产.